Instruo/Divkid Ochd Expander
¥18,900 (Tax excluded ¥17,182)Expander that adds 16 extended CV sources to Instruo ochdMUSICAL FEATURES [ø] 4^2 is a unique and useful ochd-specific expander that can create 8 modulation signals by combining and processing the 16 LFO outputs of Instruo ochd.The module consists of the following four sections from top to bottom. • All four...
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Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout
¥8,900 (Tax excluded ¥8,091)Breakout module that can be used as a MIDI connectorA breakout module that can be used as a DIN MIDI connector on the Disting mk4 / Disting EX / Genral CV / FH-2 of MUSICAL FEATURES Expert Sleepers. HOW TO USE Refer to the image below and it comes with the MIDI Breakout main unit ...
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Sdkc Instruments Addition
¥13,000 (Tax excluded ¥11,818)Expander that adds filter function and note length adjustment function to HelicalMUSICAL FEATURES Addition adds state variable filters to each Helical voice. A compact expander module that provides the following controls for each voice. All five parameters can also be controlled by CV. Cutoff: Filter cut...
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Expert Sleepers FHX-8CV
¥24,900 (Tax excluded ¥22,636)FH-2 CV Output ExpanderMUSICAL FEATURES FH-2 CV expander. Add 8 CV outputs to FH-1 per FHX-2CV. Up to 8 FHX-7CV can be connected. From the "Expansion OUT" on the back of the FH-8 board to the "Expansion IN" of the FHX-2CV with a 10-pin cable...
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Intellijel Designs Gx
¥11,900 (Tax excluded ¥10,818)Expander that adds 8 gate / trigger outputs to MetropolixThe MUSICAL FEATURES Gx is an expander that adds eight gate / trigger outputs to Metropolix.It acts as a transport control, stage-by-stage gate, and mod lane clock output.The hardware is the same as the company's Qx, only the panel is different, so Qx is also used for the same purpose ...
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Expert Sleepers FHX-8GT
¥16,900 (Tax excluded ¥15,364)FH-2 gate output expanderMUSICAL FEATURES FH-2 gate expander. Add 8 gate outputs to FH-1 per FHX-2GT. Up to four FHX-8GTs can be chained together, and each FHX-8GT can have one ESX-4GT as an extension. Maximum FHX ...
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Instruo Arbhar V2.0 Expansion Pack
¥19,900 (Tax excluded ¥18,091)Package provides USB access from the panel, sample packs, and smooth upgrade to firmware V2.0MUSICAL FEATURES Arbhar V2.0 Firmware expansion Pack is a package containing items and sample packs needed to immediately utilize the new V2 firmware on Arbhar. The 2HP expander is connected to the USB port on the arbhar board on the panel side...
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Intellijel Designs Qx
¥11,900 (Tax excluded ¥10,818)Expander that adds End of Rise / End of Fall gate output to QuadraxMUSICAL FEATURES Qx is Quadrax's expander module. It has the gate output of End of Rise and End of Fall. During AD envelope, EoR goes high until Rise ends and Fall ends, and EoF goes high until Fall ends and Rise ends ...
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Intellijel Designs XY IO 1U
¥3,400 (Tax excluded ¥3,091)Convenient I / O module for panel access to 3.5-pin Link via 3mm TRS jackThe MUSICAL FEATURES Passive XY IO 1U is a 2-pin Link used in the company's Mixup and Pedal I / O, Palette Case 3.5U and 4U case Audio Jacks v7 boards via X and Y, two 2mm TRS jacks. Can be connected to a connector ...
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Expert Sleepers ES-5 mk3
¥21,900 (Tax excluded ¥19,909)Expander that increases gate output in combination with ES-3MUSICAL FEATURES *This module is intended for use with software that outputs CV from an audio interface, such as Expert Sleepers plug-in Silent Way. Please note that our store does not sell or support such software. ...
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4ms Quad Clock Distributor Expander ( QCDEXP )
¥33,900 (Tax excluded ¥30,818)A killer expander that transforms a QCD into a groove machine!This is an expander that connects the MUSICAL FEATURES Quad Clock Distributor (QCD) with the included 16pin ribbon cable. Connecting this expander adds the following functions. INV OUT outputs a clock with the same tempo as the QCD output.
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RYK Modular Vector Wave Expander
¥13,900 (Tax excluded ¥12,636)Expander to add V/Oct and Gate inputs to RYK Vector WaveMUSICAL FEATURES Add three V/Oct and three Gate inputs by connecting this 3HP expander to your RYK Vector Wave module.This allows Vector Wave to be used as a 3-voice multi-timbral synth module. ...
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4ms Percussion Interface+ Expander [PI+EXP]
¥27,900 (Tax excluded ¥25,364)An interface module that converts any audio source into envelope or gate signals.It is sold as a set with an expander.The MUSICAL FEATURES Percussion Interface converts microphones, line-level instruments, or modular signals into envelope or gate / clock signals, enabling live percussion or recorded audio track rhythms to synchronize the Eurorack system.・ Mo ...
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Instruo Lubadh V2.0 Expansion Pack
¥19,900 (Tax excluded ¥18,091)A set of expanders and storage to use the Lubadh updateMUSICAL FEATURES The Lubadh V2.0 Expansion Pack is a set of a new 2HP USB expander, a USB memory stick and SD card with new firmware and samples, and a connection cable. It contains everything you need for the new firmware update of Lubadh...
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ALM Busy PPExp1
¥24,900 (Tax excluded ¥22,636)Output Expansion Expander for Pamela's PRO WorkoutMUSICAL FEATURES PPExp1 is an expander module that adds fixed clock output, Din Sync output, and MIDI clock output to Pamela's PRO Workout. By connecting PPExp1, you can expand Pamela as a master and get a stable dedicated MIDI clock output.
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ALM Busy mmT
¥19,900 (Tax excluded ¥18,091)Mm MIDI expander module that outputs a gate from a different jack for each MIDI scaleMUSICAL FEATURES mm MIDI gate expander. You can output the gate from a different jack for each note. See below for setting the MIDI channel to use. Before using HOW TO USE mmMidi, the settings you should make are which MIDI channel is mmMIDI ...
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XAOC Devices Hel
¥17,900 (Tax excluded ¥16,273)Pitch control expander for outputting chords from OdessaMUSICAL FEATURES This is an expander that adds 5V / Oct control to the 1 voices of Odessa so that you can play chords. The number of voices can be selected from 1,3,5, 5, XNUMX with the buttons on the main unit. The five inputs are quantized in semitone steps. Spread the Odessa body to control detune ...
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XAOC Devices Nin
¥13,900 (Tax excluded ¥12,636)Expander to add a second CV input and manual trigger to ZadarMUSICAL FEATURES This is an expander module that connects to the Zadar module and adds the following functions: -Trigger button for each envelope-Second CV input for each envelope. By connecting NIN, a screen for assignment is added to the ZADAR menu
Intellijel Designs Tete
Out of StockExpander that adds loop and sequencer functionality to TetrapadMUSICAL FEATURES Tete is an expander module that allows you to capture and save Tetrapad movements and perform loops and sequences. You can use the synchronization and modulation functions with the clock to add various changes. With Tetrapad equipped with Tete, Tete ...
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¥30,900 (Tax excluded ¥28,091)CV Expander & Controller for Pamela Pro, Squid Salmple, MFXMUSICAL FEATURES AXON-2 is an 8HP expander module for SQUID SALMPLE, MFX and Pamela's PRO Workout. Like the AXON-1, it adds four freely assignable CV inputs, but also has manual offset control and two "puff...
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Intellijel Designs CVx 1U
¥32,900 (Tax excluded ¥29,909)An expander that adds eight assignable CV outputs to MIDI 1U.Supports polyphonic MIDI control, drum mode, and multi-channel CC / CV conversionThe MUSICAL FEATURES CVx is an expander module that connects to the company's MIDI 1U module and adds eight CV outputs.These additional outputs are fully programmable using the Intellijel Config app and are a control option for your Eurorack system ...
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Expert Sleepers ES-7
¥15,900 (Tax excluded ¥14,455)ES-40, ES-6 input expanderMUSICAL FEATURES ES-7は、ES-40やES-6の入力を拡張するDCカップリングのエキスパンダーモジュールです。ES-40と接続するとES-7への入力はES-40のS/PDIF出力からデジタルシグナルとして出力され、ES-6と接続するとES-7への入力はES-6の7,8番目の...
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Shakmat Modular Bard Quartet Expand
¥19,900 (Tax excluded ¥18,091)Expander to add independent gate and trigger outputs and MIDI input to the Bard QuartetMUSICAL FEATURES An expander module that adds independent gate and trigger outputs, as well as MIDI input capabilities to each channel of the Bard Quartet. By using MIDI input, you can control scales via MIDI, or use the Bard Quartet as MIDI to CV/...
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Humble Audio Algo Expander
Out of StockExpander that saves Quad Operator algorithm settings and allows crossfades between presetsThe MUSICAL FEATURES Algo Expander is the modulation amount for all operators of the Quad Operator and the five modulation sources of the AR FM input to the four destination operators ...
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Expert Sleepers ESX-8CV Mk2
¥29,900 (Tax excluded ¥27,182)Expander module such as ES-8 that can output 40 CVsMUSICAL FEATURES Unlike the ES-3, this module requires the Expert Sleepers plug-in Silent Way to use.Please note that we do not sell or support such software. ESX-8CV, ES-40, ES-5, etc...
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Blukac Endless Processor Expander Kit
¥27,900 (Tax excluded ¥25,364)An expander and PCB set that adds pitch control and sound storage/recall functions to Endless Processor.MUSICAL FEATURES This is a set of an expander module that adds pitch control and shift buttons to the Endless Processor, and a circuit board that is installed on the EP main board. Pitch1,2 and XNUMX change the pitch of each channel. Original pitch with the knob in the middle, left...
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Intellijel Designs Pedal I/O Jacks 1U
¥3,900 (Tax excluded ¥3,545)Input / output jack 1U module that can be connected to Pedal I / O 1UMUSICAL FEATURES This is the module for the 4/1 inch jack part required when using the Peda I / O 1U in the old Intellijel type 4U case that is not the Palette type.
XAOC Devices Lipsk
Out of StockDrezno expander module with bit reversalMUSICAL FEATURES Lipsk is a bit flip module that works as an expander for Drezno (it doesn't work by itself). When Lipsk is connected to Drezno, the output of ADC is processed by Lipsk and then input to DAC when Drezno is in Link mode.
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Expert Sleepers ESX-8GT Mk3
¥13,900 (Tax excluded ¥12,636)Expander module such as FHX-8GT, ES-8 that can output 40 gate signalsMUSICAL FEATURES Unlike the ES-3, this module requires the Expert Sleepers plug-in Silent Way to use.Please note that we do not sell or support such software. ESX-8GT is ES-40, ES-5, etc...
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Intellijel Designs Stereo Line Out Jacks 1U
¥3,900 (Tax excluded ¥3,545)Jack part module required to use Stereo Line Out 1U in old type Intellijel caseMUSICAL FEATURES This is a 4U module of the jack part required when using Stereo Line Out 1U in the case of the 1st generation Performance case or the case of Intellijel which is not a XNUMXU pallet type.
Rossum Electro-Music Locutus
¥43,900 (Tax excluded ¥39,909)An expander that adds MIDI control and CVtoMIDI functionality to Assimil8orMUSICAL FEATURES Locutus is an expander module designed to interface the Assimil8or with a MIDI controller, providing multi-channel modulation and triggering via MIDI, as well as new polyphonic possibilities. The MIDI...
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Intellijel Designs Atlx
¥11,900 (Tax excluded ¥10,818)An expander that adds individual waveforms, filter outputs, and ring modulation to AtlantixMUSICAL FEATURES Atlx is an expander that adds 16 jacks to the Atlantix. This includes dedicated waveform outputs for the A and B oscillators, a filter output, and a ring modulator. The two inputs of the ring modulator are internally wired with sine waves from VCO A and B...
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Michigan Synth Works EXP
¥9,900 (Tax excluded ¥9,000)MIDI/I8C expander for F2RMUSICAL FEATURES EXP is an expander for MIDI/I8C output of the company's F2R. It features 3.5mm TRS MIDI, four I4C outputs, and a USB port that allows the F2R to operate as a MIDI USB device (not powered). Activity LED: Red indicates booting...
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Ritual Electronics Crime II
Out of StockExpander to add diode change panel control and LP/HP filters to MiasmaMUSICAL FEATURES By connecting a Crime expander to the Miasma, you can choose from 6 different diode combinations that determine the timbre of the distortion.It also adds active lowpass and resonant highpass filters to Miasma's core. HOW TO US...
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Steady State Fate V-Mutes
Out of StockExpander to add mute function to VorticesMUSICAL FEATURES Steady State Fate V-Mutes is an expander that adds mute function to Vortices.This module retains all the functionality of the V-CV expander included with Vortices, with all seven VCA controlled signal inputs, and all seven ...
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Apollo View Modular Curiouser
¥29,900 (Tax excluded ¥27,182)Vintage-sounding VCA that can be used standalone or as an input expander for Rabbit HoleMUSICAL FEATURES This is a dedicated expander that adds two inputs to Rabbit Hole. Each channel can be sent to Rabbit Hole or used as a standalone VCA. When used standalone, the two channels are nominated to be summed at the lower output...