Analog Oscillator
Buchla & Tiptop Audio Dual Oscillator Model 258t
¥33,900 (Tax excluded ¥30,818)Dual oscillators with different variable waveformsIt is a flagship analog oscillator along with 200 in the MUSICAL FEATURES Buchla 259 series.It is equipped with one oscillator each with a wave shaper that goes from a sine wave to a square wave or a saw.The pitch has Coarse and Fine knobs and attenuators ...
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Joranalogue Filter 8
¥50,900 (Tax excluded ¥46,273)Equipped with 8 phase outputs and a unique resonant feedback circuit.High quality and versatile multi-mode filter / 8-phase oscillator.MUSICAL FEATURES Filter 8 is a multi-mode filter / 8 phase oscillator that distinguishes it from the existing analog VCF with eight outputs with different phases of 45 degrees each and a unique resonant feedback circuit. The filter structure of Filter 8 is a classic analog OTA style ...
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Random*Source Serge Variable Q Filter (VCFQ)
¥57,900 (Tax excluded ¥52,636)High-quality, versatile multi-mode VCF.CV processing is also possible by operating in the sub audio rangeThe MUSICAL FEATURES VCFQ (Serge Extended Variable Resonance Filter) is the most prominent filter in the Serge system and one of the important Serge modules. The Random * Source version of this machine is Serge Tcherepnin ...
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Instruo Cs-L
¥109,900 (Tax excluded ¥99,909)Instruo's flagship complex oscillator!The MUSICAL FEATURES Cs-L is a complex oscillator that boasts a variety of tones, combining two types of analog oscillators. Unlike common complex oscillators, the Cs-L has wave folders on both oscillators. Also, the core of the oscillator is different at the top and bottom, the upper stage ...
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Make Noise STO
¥36,900 (Tax excluded ¥33,545)Make Noise's compact variable waveform oscillator!MUSICAL FEATURES *Japanese manual available. STO is a compact analog oscillator that can produce various tones using wave shaping and FM. You can't output for sawtooth wave or pulse wave, but you can control the shape control with knobs and CV, FM, etc...
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Joranalogue Generate 3
¥59,900 (Tax excluded ¥54,455)Next-generation analog oscillator that allows through zero modulation of frequency, phase, amplitude, even and odd overtonesMUSICAL FEATURES Generate 3 is an analog oscillator equipped with a next-generation circuit that allows through zero modulation of all the basic elements of sound: frequency, phase, amplitude, and timbre. Generate 3 is equipped with a triangle core, and various triangle waves generated from a high-precision core are ...
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Instruo Ts-L
¥49,900 (Tax excluded ¥45,364)Analog oscillator with a variety of wave shape functions in a compact bodyThe MUSICAL FEATURES Instruo Ts-L is a high-quality analog triangle core oscillator equipped with a 6HP compact body and waveshaping function to the utmost limit.Waveforms are sine wave, triangle wave, fixed waveform output of sub-oscillator, wave folder output, pulse wave ...
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Verbos Electronics Harmonic Oscillator
¥124,000 (Tax excluded ¥112,727)The one and only oscillator inspired by vintage West Coast technology that allows you to freely control overtone components!MUSICAL FEATURES This is the first Eurorack oscillator module that can individually control eight sine wave (Sine) harmonics (fundamental + harmonic) outputs. The output of a pitched oscillator (sine wave, pulse wave, sawtooth wave, etc.) is expressed in terms of frequency, the fundamental tone (the sine of the lowest frequency of the timbre ...
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Black Corporation Deckard's Voice
¥114,900 (Tax excluded ¥104,455)Eurorack semi-modular synth voice born from Deckard's DreamMUSICAL FEATURES Black Corporation Deckard's Voice is a semi-modular synth voice module for Eurorack systems. Deckard's Dream circuit, a polyphonic synthesizer inspired by the YAMAHA CS-80...
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Make Noise XPO
¥73,900 (Tax excluded ¥67,182)Full analog VCO with modulation options that are effective even in the stereo fieldMUSICAL FEATURES XPO (Stereo Prasmatic Oscillator) is a fully analog stereo oscillator.Sine, triangle and sawtooth basic waveforms plus spike and SUB outputs, stereo tonal modulation including stereo PWM and wave folding, frequency...
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Random*Source Serge New Timbral Oscillator (NTO)
¥95,900 (Tax excluded ¥87,182)Serge's core analog oscillator with vintage sound quality and high precisionMUSICAL FEATURES NTO is the analog oscillator that forms the core of the Serge system. It features a vintage sound and high precision, and also has a variable waveform Variable output and a portamento-enabled 1V/Oct input. A large number of output waveforms can be used to modulate each parameter...
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Random*Source Serge Dual Universal Slope Generator Mk2 (DSG)
¥79,900 (Tax excluded ¥72,636)Serge's original "army knife" module, which is also a powerful oscillator!The MUSICAL FEATURES Serge Dual Universal Slope Generator (DSG) is the most versatile module in the Serge system that can provide a wide range of functions for both CV and audio.Many Eurorack function generators have this module ...
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Joranalogue Orbit 3
¥43,900 (Tax excluded ¥39,909)A true 3D chaos oscillator that realizes a double-scroll attractor with a completely analog circuitThe MUSICAL FEATURES Joranalogue Orbit 3 optimizes the classic double-scroll attractor used in chaos theory for a Eurorack modular environment, resulting in a signal with natural irregularities for control and repeatability. It is a chaos oscillator that provides.Low frequency mode ...
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Verbos Electronics Foundation Oscillator
¥85,900 (Tax excluded ¥78,091)A compact analog VCO with Verbos proprietary discrete coreMUSICAL FEATURES Foundation Oscillator is an analog oscillator that is compact and features vintage sound. The core of the oscillator is a transistor-based discrete circuit, using the same as the company's larger oscillator. Direct from the core ...
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Verbos Electronics Complex Oscillator
¥117,000 (Tax excluded ¥106,364)A thick and warm high-quality complex oscillator that combines a powerful wave shaping function and FM / AM!The MUSICAL FEATURES Complex Oscillator is equipped with two oscillators, a master oscillator with a wave shaper (right) and a modulation oscillator (left) internally connected as an AM / FM modulator (modulator) to the master oscillator. .
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Erica Synths Bassline
¥58,900 (Tax excluded ¥53,545)Synth voice module with optimal functions and controls for bassMUSICAL FEATURES Bassline is a full analog synthesizer module with controls and functions for bass and leads. AS3340 of CEM3340 clone is used for the oscillator chip to realize highly accurate tracking. In addition, transistor-based sub oscillators, BBD ...
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Random*Source Serge GTO
¥69,900 (Tax excluded ¥63,545)Super versatile, high precision, high speed lag and hold processor newly designed by SergeMUSICAL FEATURES The Serge GTO is the evolution of the Smooth & Stepped Generator (SSG), a newly redesigned dual 'lag and hold' device with a focus on stability, precision and speed. Similar to the SSG, the two sections differ in some aspects...
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Intellijel Designs Dixie II+
¥41,900 (Tax excluded ¥38,091)Enhanced version of Dixie II with octave switch, sub-oscillator and two syncsMUSICAL FEATURES Dixie II + is another version of Dixie II with a slightly larger size and added functions. The sound is the same, but instead of abolishing the pitch COARSE knob, an octave switch is added, and a PW control knob and an FM attenuator are added. Great as an FM modulator ...
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Black Corporation Rachael
¥56,900 (Tax excluded ¥51,727)Beautiful sound ring modulator with built-in modulator and ADSRThe MUSICAL FEATURES Black Corporation Rachael is a fully analog processing module that provides a classical ring modulation effect.The built-in dedicated reference oscillator and ADSR envelope generator are ring modulators ...
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Instruo Cruinn
¥74,900 (Tax excluded ¥68,091)Create a heavy super saw with 5 built-in LFOs.Stereo analog oscillator for deep phase modulationMUSICAL FEATURES Instruo Cruinn is an analog stereo oscillator with through-zero phase modulation that allows you to create deep animated textures. In addition to a single sawtooth oscillator core, Cruinn uses five parallel, out-of-phase...
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Expert Sleepers Lorelei
¥30,900 (Tax excluded ¥28,091)Uses discrete transistor OTA. Expert Sleepers analog oscillatorMUSICAL FEATURES Expert Sleepers Lorelei is an analog oscillator with quadrature sine wave output, wave shaping and sync / cross modulation capabilities.This unit, which implements a discrete transistor OTA circuit, is equipped with three waveform outputs.All these outputs ...
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Mannequins Mangrove
Out of StockAn analog oscillator capable of various wave shaping and tricky behaviorsMUSICAL FEATURES Mangrove is an analog oscillator that can produce a wide range of tones with unique controls. Controls such as "Formant", "Barrel", and "Air" work together as a versatile wave shaper. Index control ...
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2hp VCO
¥22,900 (Tax excluded ¥20,818)3340HP analog oscillator using CEM2The MUSICAL FEATURES VCO is a 2HP analog oscillator and is the successor to the company's analog oscillator module OSC. The VCO uses a reissued CEM3340 chip and is capable of tracking at 10V / Oct over 1 octaves. The output is a triangular wave, a sawtooth wave, a rectangular wave ...
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Make Noise DPO
Out of StockMake Noise's West Coast Complex Oscillator that can combine various shaping and FM techniques to create diverse and complex waveformsMUSICAL FEATURES Japanese manual is available. The DPO is a dual full analog oscillator that incorporates a large amount of tone synthesis functions such as FM and wave shaping and has been skillfully routed. Despite being heavily influenced by Buchla259 etc., new things such as routing and core behavior etc ...
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CG-Products XR22 VCO FT
Out of StockOscillator module featuring various tone shaping functions using FSK synthesis and AM and rich analog sound!The MUSICAL FEATURES XR22 VCO FT is a unique analog oscillator that can change the tone by methods such as AM (and ring modulation) and FSK (Frequency Shift Keying).Extremely analog sound quality even when dissonant or intense overtones are included, analog ...
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Buchla & Tiptop Audio 259t Programmable Complex Waveform Generator
¥90,900 (Tax excluded ¥82,636)The original complex oscillatorMUSICAL FEATURES Buchla & Tiptop Audio 259t is a Eurorack version of the Buchla 200, a complex oscillator that is the core of the Buchla 259 series. The 259-inspired modulat...
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Steady State Fate Entity Metalloid
Out of StockFull analog 2-voice metallic percussion/voice moduleMUSICAL FEATURES Metalloid is an experimental percussion/lead synth based on analog metallic noise generators and filters.Its synthesis engine consists of three analog oscillators operating at different frequencies, and these oscillators are regenerated through two signal paths.
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Befaco Pony VCO
¥40,900 (Tax excluded ¥37,182)Built-in wavefolder and VCA in 4HP interface. SSI2130 based analog through-zero VCO/LFOMUSICAL FEATURES The Pony VCO is a fully analog through-zero oscillator with a built-in wavefolder and VCA. Powerful core of Sound Semiconductors SSI2130 VCO IC provides excellent stability and tunability in this compact module...
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Random*Source Serge Sequencer8 XL (SEQ8XL)
¥99,900 (Tax excluded ¥90,818)Simple and versatile Serge analog sequencer / programmerMUSICAL FEATURES Random*Source Serge SEQ XL is an 2-stage analog sequencer/programmer with two CV channels and pulse input/output for each stage. The impressive 8 buttons can be used not only to select stages, but also to set the start point of the sequence by operating them while running...
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Joranalogue/Hainbach Collide 4
¥104,900 (Tax excluded ¥95,364)Signal processor/voice module inspired by vintage laboratory equipmentMUSICAL FEATURES The origins of electronic music can be found in the early works of a small group of forward-thinking composers in the mid-20th century, who used electronic test equipment to create new sounds. Building on that legacy, Collide 4 brings it all full circle again today. Collide 4 combines lab equipment and measurement...
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Sdkc Instruments Bootleg #1
Out of StockWest Coast traditional compact dual slope generatorMUSICAL FEATURE Bootleg #1 is a 2ch envelope generator, envelope follower, and slew limiter. Inspired by Serge's DSG, it is constructed entirely of analog circuitry using the LM3900. The two slope generators in Bootleg #1 are identical...
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Erica Synths Fusion VCO V2
¥59,900 (Tax excluded ¥54,455)Powerful sounding analog VCO using vacuum tube distortionMUSICAL FEATURES Fusion VCO v2 is a full analog oscillator module with an intense tube character. AS3340-based VCO with transistor-based sub-oscillator, detune function using BBD, etc., crunchy wave using vacuum tube overdrive ...
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Random*Source Serge Medusa
¥149,900 (Tax excluded ¥136,273)Subharmonic oscillator with seven VCOsMUSICAL FEATURES The Medusa Subharmonic Oscillator is Serge's latest invention, the 5th generation of the subharmonic oscillator. It features seven precision analog VCOs connected at the center, fanning out in unison, creating complex cl...
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Hexinverter Mindphaser
¥84,900 (Tax excluded ¥77,182)Next-generation complex oscillator equipped with a through-zero phase modulation bus in addition to the Mod busMUSICAL FEATURES Mindphaser is the next generation complex oscillator.Its dual oscillator architecture is based on the principles of complex oscillators, but features modern circuitry that expands on them with a unique twist. Mindphaser is complex...
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Steady State Fate Zephyr
Out of StockEquipped with various modulation options in a compact housing.High-precision tracking, powerful multi-mode through-zero VCOThe MUSICAL FEATURES Zephyr is a single voice compact complex VCO based on the SSI2130 IC chip.The octave switching function of the company's Spectrum VCO, excellent tracking performance, and the complex waveform of the Zero Point Oscillator ...
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Steady State Fate Entity Ultra-Perc
Out of StockAnalog percussion synthesizer that can also be used as a signal processorMUSICAL FEATURES Ultra-Perc (UP) is an analog percussion synthesizer that supports the synthesis of a wide variety of percussive sounds. Since UP can function as a unique synth voice on its own, UP is both a percussion module and a useful tool for more complex sound design.