Happy Nerding 3xMIA (Silver)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: 35mm
Current: 80mA @ + 12V, 80mA @ -12V
Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: 35mm
Current: 80mA @ + 12V, 80mA @ -12V
Happy Nerding 3xMIA is a compact signal processor with 6 inputs and 3 outputs.Double coaxial knobHas achieved overwhelming space efficiency and operability at the same time.
3xMIA consists of three equivalent two-input mixers.In each channel, the thin inner knob serves as input A, and the thick outer knob serves as an attenuator for the signal from input B, and the knobs are mixed and output.All inputs have 3V internally wired, so if unpatched you can create an offset voltage from -2V to + 5V and add it to the other input.
A switch between sections allows the output of each channel to be mixed to the next output.Even in that case, the signal can be extracted from the individual outputs at the same time.This provides a 2-2-2, 4-2, or 6-channel mixing setting.In addition, 3xMIA is designed with DC coupled and can handle both audio and CV.