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Intellijel Designs Dual ADSR

Currently unavailable
A snappy ADSR envelope based on the SH-101! Ideal for bases and leads.

Format: Eurorack
Width: 14HP
Depth: 38mm
Current: 60ma @ + 12V, 49mA @ -12V

For the latest Intellijel manuals and firmwareManufacturer support pageSee also


Dual ADSR is a dual ADSR envelope generator designed based on the characteristics of the SH-101 envelope. The SH-101's snappy envelope has been reproduced, and the range switch and cycle mode have been expanded. The slider visibility and range switching are very easy to use, making it ideal as a standard synth bass or envelope for leads.


The explanation of each part is displayed by mouse over  


This is a description of basic operations. The gate signal is cycled from around 3:25, but it has the characteristic that it does not cycle at the release stage.

Intellijel Dual ADSR demo # 1 from Danjel van Tijn on Vimeo.
