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Free domestic shipping over 15,000 yen | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details


¥69,900 (Tax excluded ¥63,545)
2CH sample player & recorder with high capacity, high sound quality, intuitive control and editing on the main unit.

Format: Eurorack
Width: 20HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 145mA @ + 12V, 39mA @ -12V
Manual pdf (English) (The button combo chart at the end is convenient)

Music features

4ms stereophonic sound sampler (STS) High quality sample recording sound / sown module. STS 允 许 您 您 您 2 pieces stereo voice sentence, parallel general other 们 independent recording arrival XNUMX piece stereo voice sentence case. 来 microSD 卡Up to 600Most can be loaded 1 sample book, XNUMX sentence4GBKodatsu (16bit / 44.1kHz stereo voice wav equivalent to 6 small hours 40 minutes). Sample text Can be used for each type of stereophonic voice wav text Wav text High-ranking 96kHz / 32nd place. Aubrey.

and alsoSample book editing modelCan be modified or preserved. Temporary release conditions, gain increase, repair / opening cohesion point, distribution system. Achievement This individual function, 你 Can 来 1 individual sentence (Nyotsuzumi circulation) section Single individual drum point 击 or increase or increase gain, disparate use of sample, oral sound, increase or decrease. This trivial operation is unchanged Wav literary affairs.

Owned sample number, 1V / Oct, sample selection, long-term sum starting position, voltage suppression control, and can be done immediately:
  • Primary / Circulation Sampler
  • Basic granule synthesis Japanese time
  • 乒 乓 circulatory environment touching development Opposite culvert
  • 带 Sectional voltage control mouth technique
  • Use touching import import progress recording
  • Long-time performance recording
A two-way patch, a combination of Japanese and voltage restraints, and a patch that can be used as a patch.

Other functions comprehensive:
  • The maximum number is 600 samples (10 samples, 1 sample, 60 samples). 10 types of banking and later, Japanese-style banking, and intuition
  • Includes over 200 microSDs. Unsimilar artist, Comprehensive Ritsugaku 德 * 迪 綪 德, 迪 埥 德, 罗 南 轗 巴 巴 创 舛 舛 诛
  • microSD 卡 Medium wav literary disagreement module.In Excluded 辑 Model Descending ed., Immediate use distribution 给 Sample goods Reprint system or recovery system renewal, Wav literary matter
  • Emergency musical tone harmony
  • Recordable sound meeting Immediate recording system and available microSD question.
  • Work stereophonic voice or single voice path model. Proportioning 2 Banks Proportioning:
     -Stereo voice model: 2 mixed stereophonic voices, parallel stereophonic sound, and exports.
     --Single voice road model: Separated from L sum R style individual passage import export sound export export single voice road.
  • Fixed case update Can pass current type firmware
Partial depiction of the mouse after the mouse stop
辑 辑 辑 辑 辑 辑 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 


Bank of choice

STS 允 许 您 悩 择 诏 寏 individual passage on the base of the basin. Specimen existing 1 piece, 10 pieces, same piece medium sample item exemption, return possible pass CV restraint. 60 Banking target 识 use Banking distribution 颮 颜 颜 烁.
At the time of the bank's banking, the order of the banking was revised. In addition, the first point of the bank, the first point of the bank, but the point of the Pearl, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, the bank, and the bank.Jumping and sinkingOthers have not been selected. One-of-a-kind empty bank, sewn-in scholarship, scholarship, and scholarship.

Rapid movement of the bankRapid selection functionAria 霍 德 辷 蓶 蓶 蓶 蓶 蓶 蓶 蓶 蓶 蓶 Rotational L 辧 采 璮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 讇 臇 臇 燇 燇 Banking bank change. Rotational R 侧 采 燇 璮 Possible switching "Bank" Approximately arranging the way to the lane. Banking and unkaidance change.

Editing model

Editing model: Non-destructive editing function, which is similar to the main editing tank, and the upper part of the main editing sample.L-typeThis operation is an example in the middle of the text, which can be edited and edited. The function of the program on the face plate, the model of the program, and the function of the program. Giving and starting position Japanese way volume control is not the same, this process editingInformation set like thisOther can exist on microSD.

The following operations are possible:
  • Gain adjustment: Proportionate editing 辑 采 燇 sample 蒮 钮 parallel rotation R 臇 璮 璮 蒮 臮 臇 燇 sample times release increase. Primitive gain can be increased by 10%, adjusted by 500%, and gains are increased. This is the amount of increase in gains, and the volume of the roads is adjusted.
  • Adjustable Renewable Energy (Repair): Passage parallel rotation R Passage parallel rotation R Pass rotation, 您 Can in Wav start position = 0 Processing adjustment seeding release start position (rubbing start file.By proportional "Edition sample book" Rotation, push-button Length = 100% Time-adjusted seeding and release binding position (rubbing binding). When the current push-button is subjected to a large force rotation, the other transferable distance-comparative long-term time. Specimen time distribution (section) Inconsistent seeding point file.It YAV 臏 Unnecessary 沉 默, 噪 sound, etc.
  • Renewal dissemination textual distribution: 您 Can use edition 辑 采 璮 璮 璮 璮 L 辇 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 蒮 Example of apportionment, reversal of apportionment at the same time.
    • Alphabetical order in the previous sentence
    • Wav texts that are not used in the tank capital
    • 来 First individual possession 储库 Nakayoji selection possession 储库 (use wav text) Medium possession sample book
    The text of the first sample in the middle of the selection from the 2 seconds of the stakes. 1 The first individual sentence in the first individual sentence, the first individual document in the first individual item, the first individual item in the application. The first individual sampling, the first individual sampling, the first individual sampling, the first individual sampling, the first individual sampling, and the first individual sampling.
  • Rehabilitation (Imaginary) Example sentence: Anthropomorphic editing, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling, sampling. Duplicate actual case, non-recoverable sentence, sequel to new copy, delivery of the main tank, 0.5 sentence (immediate use, other citation, same sentence, YA can renewed individual sample, main tank-like repair point sum increase

    Shogen Bunka Distribution 给 L-way sampling tank, parallel R commuting destination selection sampling tank. In this village, the example of the apportionment, the apportionment, the apportionment, the apportionment, the completion of the process after 0.5 seconds, and the homologous text quoted by the R-way push-button general.
  • Preservation editorial result: The above-mentioned editorial results, parallel and reduction distribution completion documentary information, at this timetemporaryThe power supply was closed once, and the other was lost. Anthropomorphic "editing book" Anthropomorphic "sampling" Orthodox "dissemination" 0.5 second bell, 耙 娣 Main editing result saved on the microSD box, reflected at the time of the next breakthrough power supply.
  • Discarded editorial result (returned original): Can be abandoned and used 樣 Main editorial function Progressive temporary editorial, or a person's return and primary preservation Temporary state (preservation in the near future).
    • Edited "Edited goods", "Reverse", 0.5 seconds bell, Edited goodsUndoYou can
    • Anthropomorphic L-way warehouse Anthropomorphic 2-second bell, Simultaneous distribution Edit Sample Ancholarship sum R-do Reverse Anchorage, and earlier L-typeSelected bankAbandoned 對 樣 子 Progressive appointment What extraordinary compilation, normal rehabilitation upper order conservative state.
    • Anthropomorphic "editing", "Kazu", "Kou-Ryo", and "Simultaneous", and then a 4-second bell.Owned bankAbandoned 對 樣 子 Progressive appointment What extraordinary compilation, normal rehabilitation upper order conservative state.

SD file file folder

 One microSD module with the model block. STS demand equipment Rapid visit speed microSD 卡.UHS 3 classContract use (3 U middle class owners). ExFAT is the most suitable form, but FAT32 is used. In addition, at the time of "busy" LED lighting or flashing, the microSD 卡 under wholesale of STS.
  • microSD File folder downwards
  • 將 Required release individual warehousing Medium Wav literary case Direct release 每 Individual sentence case (child sentence case 夾 將 covered abbreviation)
  • Sentences Japanese Sentences Bytes Unnecessary Used Japanese (Kanji-bushi) characters. In addition to this, the name of the file, the name of the file, the name of the file, the number of characters, the number of characters, the number of characters, and the number of characters,
  • Anthropomorphic case File name Japanese sentence Subject Alphabetical order distribution warehouse Japanese case. Immediate use texts, 10 or more texts, Yakai alphabetical order fixed distribution
  • For passing texts, the name of the file folder, the name of the file, the name of the file, the name of the file, the name of the file, the name of the file, the name of the file, and the name of the file. "Orange ~" distribution salary from beginning to end Ryo orange group, "Orange-1 ~" distribution salary orange flash primary group.
  • WAV texts can be 32nd place floating point, 16/24/32th place signed number, 8th place unsigned number speed rate and 8kHz to 96kHz sampling rate
  • At the top of the microSD, the text is written by the founder of the company __Sample List __. html-like text, average text subject title Wassho distribution Himoto-like length. It is a multi-system Japanese mobile phone that can be used on mobile phones.
  • _STS.system Included in the text. Pre-preservation compilation, example distribution of goods, increase in profit, circulation category information, etc.

Introduction to the program

 Start-up sound recording, neck-to-neck recording REC sound recording standby sound recording (Fubo). Imported RECORD, which is a frequent rush of sounds. 對 thing, minor repairs "left". After that, it is possible to immediately start REC under REC. Re-ordered pushbutton stop product. Can be used 觸發 Import start Japanese stop note.

 The reason for the automatic distribution of wav documents, which is a central "sampling", is a Japanese sound recording, and a "sampling" sound recording tank. When the power supply is broken, the recording is broken.Undistributed Genuine First Family BankAutomatic distribution, but 您 您 Can Terujou Bank. First and foremost, one sentence, distribution, salary, distribution, completion, document, document, cancellation of the distribution, but removal of the document. The above-mentioned editorial model, renewal distribution, and new distribution. As a result of distribution, the power supply was temporarily closed and lost. Passing use 樣 Main edition 輯 Preservation function, distribution for a minute Breath preservation on microSD.

 Key L or R Passage-like warehouse Rapid transfer to the existing record-like warehouse, Contracted residence Record Bank Apportionment average Anchorage required Mobile transit bank Anchorage 0.5 second bell.Recorded recordingYes

Use multiple control function found section example

  • 1. 將 section source 樣 text matter (drum circulation, etc.)
  • 2. Introduced in the section of the founding section in the R road. "Editing", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou", "Kou".
  • 3. 將 R Passage-based sampling tank installation
  • 4. Proportioning "editing" apportionment, after that, "discharging" apportioning 0.5 seconds bell, and left-handed path homologous text distribution to right-handed
  • 5. At the time of the target renewal duplication, the root demand 從 L duplication arrival R 盡 possible multi-section
  • 6. 處 處 處 聇 談 處 處 處 耇 耇 耇 R commuting homologous warehouse
  • 7. Pre-selection destination L Reproduction on the road, used 棯 訯 輯 輯 輯 輯 輯 輯 輯 輯 訯 訯 訣 訣 訣 訣 訣
  • 8. Nyoka 您 歡 這 Trivial one-stage editing, contracted housing “editing” editing, afterwards L-type “dissemination” distribution 0.5 seconds

Systematic model

 4 stakes, 2 PLAY swords, 2 reverse swords, REC sum REC Bank sword 4 seconds bell approach system model.
  • Pushbuttons: PushbuttonsOrderSwitching. 24th for indigo and 16th for crimson.
  • L Frequent PLAY Pushtone: At the time of pushbutton,當 LENGHT = 100%, PLAY proportional actionModified indigo color display 將 與 LENGTH Uncorrected 100% homologous method 觸 發 / Shigeshin 觸 發 樣 子, but red color display 將 dissemination or stop. (Import of flip-flops from beginning to end) Use of flip-flops / triggers
  • R Frequent PLAY Apportionment: 當您 Renewal requiredPrimitive sown and sownSwitching. At the time of green color, switching is completed. When it is crimson, it stops sowing

Fixed case update

 Passing intrusion STS REC Downloading sound frequency case 來 Execution case update. 4 millisecondsSTS product page從 "Manual / Fixed case" Selection item The latest fixed case wav sentence, and the process progress update below Neji.
  • 1. My own STS-like electric wire, after all, a breakthrough power supply
  • 2. Apportionment 2 PLAY Anthropomorphic, 2 Reversed Anthropomorphic, REC Anthropomorphic, REC Bank Anchorage 4 seconds Bell approach system
  • 3. Profitable individual REC, REC Bank 4-second bell. Direct arrival of pine trees, after all
  • 4. Left-sided sowing green color. The left-hand side of the program, "reverse", the color of the green, and the introduction of the new program, which is more than the first one. Introductory guidance for entering the inconvenience, and leaving the program when the color is green. Display device Japanese busy instruction lantern replacement
  • 5. Calculator or intelligent hand-held sound frequency export connection to the left side Record hole. 您 Can use stereo sound or stereo sound.
  • 6. Return can be heard on the left side of the export sound.
  • 7. Calculator-like software, Japanese hardware, volume installation 100% for installation. Notification of closed ownership
  • 8. Start seeding statement. A little LED start move.
  • 9. The sound of the sound of the sword is stopped before the dissemination and unity. Green color of the fallen car light, four LED indicator lights Ryo Ryo. Reply XNUMX

     a. Suspension sentence parallel return arrival opening
     b. Secured electric wire accurate connection
     c. At the time of rebellion, the LED is annihilated and PLAY is green.
     d. Heavy new start
  • 10. Precisely added the text of the firmware, STS

External connection
