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¥69,900 (Tax excluded ¥63,545)
Polyphonic quantizer that can automatically select the diatonic code according to the mode

Format: Eurorack
Width: 18HP
Depth: 27mm
Current: 120mA @ + 12V, 20mA @ -12V

Manual pdf (English)
Quickstart Guide pdf (English)

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Sound performance

 Harmonaig Quantifier for export Japanese string high pitch CV. When importing one CV, when exporting, it is the root C, 3rd, 5th and 7th pitch CV.Automatic selection functionRyokan is installed for ON, rule selection, Japanese string, used export pitch CV non-biased designation model (Katsuya love 奧尼亞 series / next key next wave series model medium selection), 彞 Metabirth 和聲. Tone, Nya Possible pattern of tonal deviation. Japanese string progression 與 與 Individual low bass sequence One piece easy editing. Arihama-no-designated route Wadayo's detailed information and inquiries "Detailed information" part.

 Harmonaig and other functional inclusions:
  • Quantification of Athenuvata used-10V to 10V CV import standard
  • Export pitch CV range -10 to 10V, all four possession can pass through. Simulated gliding control.
  • Export of available gates
  • Simultaneous keyboard operation and easy operation
  • YA can use 刕和和CV control Anti-Japanese 虼發聇 胇和 和 辇和中
  • Can be used or even CV selection or less
    • -∆7 (Next Level 7 required)
    • O (reduction 7)
    • Ø (Small 7♭5)
    • -7 (small 7)
    • 7 (Holding position 7)
    • ∆7 (7 major)
    • + ∆7 (7th grade)
    • +7 (Increase 7)
    • Four-piece definitional cloth (1, 2, 3, 4). Installation required Selective Japanese strings, contracted transpositional transfer, simultaneous simultaneous distribution, and diatonic distribution.
    • Aligned Transpose 和Diatonic 鈕逕同點艩次 C 脕下入C Unison pattern, under this pattern, four-tone high-capacity capital sound root sound. Available shaker
 *Quantifier model/performance model/unified model “model” finger operation model, meta-discomfort model.

User interface

 Mouse signs Suspension signs Partial functions

Kanjo Union/Long Apportionment Operation Table

  • Animated "Transposition" Animated simultaneous operation "Diatonic" annuity: Switching to a typical Japanese instrument performance model
  • Relocation “Transposition” Reconciliation: Automatic selection and selection
  • Animated “Transpose” sum “Diatonic” Animated simultaneous 雙擊 C 鈕: Invasion “Unison” type, pitch CV homology possessed by normal use. Useful for adjustments. Return next time C return
  • Simultaneous “Transposition”, “Sending”, simultaneous simultaneous scooping C: Clearing “Transposition”, Gliding place
  • Selection One self-defined Japanese string, Azumi “Transposition” average and distribution “Diatonic”: A self-defined Japanese string progression course. Assistance transfer, confirmation of arrival


 In Harmonaig, the specified proportional proportional sum is required and the proportional existence difference. Specified route scale method Nebulization quantifier model / performance model transformation.QuantifierUnder this pattern, proportional to import CV coverage (proportion of light source), the closest proportion, and the lowest ratio of the visual and unconventional roots. Proportional to be used. Simultaneous relocation and reassignment Simultaneous reassignment Diatonic reassignmentPerformance expressionSwitched pattern. Performance performance used, direct passage, specified root note for direct passage, non-necessary passage for keyboard installation. Gate export export.

 Automatic Japanese chord selection using Ruka, Norikaru, Rooted scale,Automatically-designed Japanese-style Japanese string under the specified pattern.At this time, the model of the Japanese string component is the extreme earth effect.模式Renewal Easy:

 Assistance transfer. 與 white key 谍 og 舕 戕 晃 發 光, but 胙 耕 胕 鈕 分 舕 谕 茕 胕 in Ai 尼 亞, Taeri'an, Furi Yoshian, Rosoan, mixed syllables, Fujinwa Locrian model. Passing Elections Diatonic 鈕, 您再 可 Use 觧波下要示意图。 As usual, Dorian selection Dorian parallel transposition, rule automatic selection sum string division C Dorian, immediate C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb. Ryokaji C, rule selection C/Eb/G/Bb (C-7)-like substitution, Ryokaji Eb, rule selection Eb/G/Bb/D (EbΔ7)-like generation. D-Dorian for the installation of Ryokayo, the contractor Trasnpose 芕讕成成 Orange color, used afterwards as a model of syllables. Ryoka root note super completion type, 將由 Harmonaig Self-installation.

 YOKAKAJI Masaru Executed automatic Japanese string selection, Japanese string selection is prohibited. Use required string or CV Freely selected Japanese string, Japanese string, contracted DIATONIC orange string. At this time, it is possible to use the chorus sum CV Japanese string on the free control line. Ryokan movement, non-movement movement, rule

 Definite Japanese string, can be used "anti-rumor" sum, "resonance", and other similar conditions.

