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Sound performance

 Dual FX Modules, individual, homological effects, partial effects. One part of the capital, one piece of the capital, one piece of the stereophonic sound, one piece of the stereophonic sound, the first part of the export, the second part of the connection of the part of the export, the cause and effect of the connection, and the unneeded patch.

 Arguments can be partially preserved and installed (PARAM 1/2 sum DRY / WET). Approximately 2 seconds of arranging SAVE arranging and preserving the bell. It is necessary to set up the equipment, and it is possible to arrange the SAVE. After the installation, the installation is not reflected in the position of the turning point. Under the condition of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being.

 Use "Selection" Proportional push-tone conversion method. Proportional residence "selection" parameter 2 seconds bell approach CV import distribution model, at this time, parameter "selection" parameter CV distribution parameter "parameter 1" renewal "parameter 2", re-argument "trunk / 濕".

 Use the following eight types of arithmetic. Parameter-like actionInstruction manualYou see
  • Latency
  • Standing stereophonic sound
  • Takadori Latency
  • Great reverberation
  • Saturated reverberation
  • Reverberation
  • Jack the Ripper
  • Barrel shifter