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Verbos Electronics Scan & Pan

¥79,900 (Tax excluded ¥72,636)
Compact discrete circuit mixer with level and panning voltage control and scanning

Format: Eurorack
Width: 14HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 50mA @ + 12V, 20mA @ -12V
Spec Sheet (English pdf)


Scan & Pan in a compact space of 14HPVoltage controllable level and panningThis is a 4-channel mixer module with. In addition to level control, the mix of each channel is controlled by the balance of each channel determined by Width and Center on the right side of the panel.Harmonic OscillatorIt is the same mechanism as the scan control that mixes each overtone with.) This allows crossfading between channels, which is useful when used as a creative mixer module, such as mixing oscillator waveforms.

Discrete transistors are used in all signal paths, which is one of the ways to create a vintage sound.
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