Random*Source Serge Medusa
Format: Eurorack
Width: 42HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 220mA @ + 12V, 200mA @ -12V
Format: Eurorack
Width: 42HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 220mA @ + 12V, 200mA @ -12V
The Medusa Subharmonic Oscillator is Serge's latest invention, the 5th generation of the subharmonic oscillator. It has 7 precision analog VCOs connected at the center, which fan out the frequencies in unison to form complex clusters. Each voice generates a pulse wave, with 1V/Oct for all VCOs, odd VCOs and even VCOs, providing excellent tracking with temperature compensation. Another notable feature is that each voice has a combined pulse width modulation and subharmonic division control. This control allows each voice to produce a sub-octave sound.
The precision of these voices, combined with a global frequency Spread control and various FM inputs, allows for a wide range of sounds, from powerful unison sounds to complex dissonant textures, delicate string sounds with a stereo feel, and experimental sounds using individual outputs.