Scales is a dual channel quantizer / sequencer module.
The basic function is to correct the input CV to the pitch CV of the nearest scale on the specified scale and output. Not only is it useful for quantizing a sequencer without a quantizer, but it is also possible to create an arpeggio-like pitch sequence from an LFO.
Scales has a Trigger input, and by patching it, it will be newly quantized only when the trigger is input, and the quantized voltage will be held at other times. (Sample & Hold)
Scales has two outputs, in addition to the usual quantized pitch output A, there is another output B for creating harmony within a fixed scale. You can use the Shift input to modulate the pitch shift amount. The Shift input is also used to control the scale CV, change the route, and use two independent quantizers (common scale, separate input voltage).
Scales also has a step sequencer (128 patterns of memory) that drives in 101 steps and SH35 method. When using this function, OUT A can be used as a normal quantizer, and OUT B can be a sequencer.
The first basic function of Scales isPitchQuantize the CV to the input to the voltage corresponding to the specified scale,Out AOutput from, this does not change in any mode. The input voltage range is -10V to 10V.TRIGWhen patched to the input, it quantizes only at the moment the gate is on the TRIG and holds the quantized voltage for the rest of the time (Sample & hold). If it is not patched to TRIG, it will be quantized at the moment the input voltage is quantized and the nearest voltage changes. When controlling the pitch of a normal synth patch, even if an unsynchronized voltage such as an LFO is input to PITCH IN, patching the same gate as the envelope that moves the VCA to TRIG will cause the pitch to rise. WhenSyncYou can.
The functions of OUT B, TRIG output, and SHIFT input can be set / changed from CONFIG mode. Depending on the setting, OUT B
Output with Shift input pitch added to Out A
Second independent quantizer (quantizes the input to Shift and outputs from OUT B)
Sequencer CV output to drive in the style of SH 101
Works as one of.
Scales defaults to "Scale Display Mode", The 12 scale buttons are displayed with the valid scale in green, the scale selected in OUT A in red and the scale in OUT B in yellow. For other modes, which of the six buttons below Press or to enter.Details of each mode are as follows.
In LEARN mode, the scale input to PITCH IN is valid. For TRIG, patch a gate such as a sequencer. When you press the LEARN button once, the currently active scale remains the same and the scale corresponding to the moment the signal input to PITCH IN is gated to TRIG becomes valid. If you press and hold the LEARN button to enter Learn mode, the current scale will be cleared and LEARN will start.
If you press the CONFIG button to enter the CONFIG mode, you can select various items with the 12 scale buttons and set them. The items are printed on the panel, and the settings are SHIFT MODE: PRE to DUAL / SEQ.
SHIFT MODE: PRE: Shift output setting. In this mode, the Shift input is added to the PITCH input and then quantized according to the scale.
SHIFT MODE: DIATONIC: Shift output setting. The PITCH input is quantized to the scale, and the SHIFT input is added for output, but the shift amount is specified in terms of the number of effective scales in the scale, not in semitones. For example, if SHIFT is D # (3 semitones), this 3 is not a semitone but is interpreted as 3 scales in the scale, and 3 effective scales are shifted from the PITCH quantize result.
SHIFT MODE: POST: Shift setting. In this mode, the PITCH input is quantized according to the scale, and then the Shift input is added. The added scale will be output as one of 12 scales regardless of the scale set.
SHIFT MODE: OUT A / B: Select which output will be the Shift output. The output without Shift enabled is simply the quantized output of the PITCH input.
SHIFT MODE: ROOT: Shift Changes the scale by shifting the route by the input amount.
SHIFT MODE: SCALE: SHIFT input selects / controls the scale. Change 7 preset scales in the currently selected bank by SHIFT voltage
A-> TRIG / B-> TRIG: When enabled, TRIG will output a trigger each time the OUT A pitch changes. The same is true for B-> TRIG.Also, press and hold A-> TRIGTRIG input trigger delayYou can set the. The sequencer is effective when you want to slightly shift the timing of pitch change because the CV change may be slightly delayed compared to the gate output.
OUT B: CHROM: OUT B is chromatically shifted by the amount set by INTERVAL
OUT B: DIATONIC: OUT B shifts to diatonic by the amount set by INTERVAL. Similar to SHIFT MODE: DIATONIC, it shifts by the number of valid scales, not in semitone steps.
DUAL: When this button is lit, you are in DUAL mode. The input to SHIFT will be quantized to the specified scale and output from OUT B.
SEQ: Press the button again from DUAL to start blinking. At this time, OUT B is in sequencer mode. The sequence can store 5 patterns of 7 banks x 35 presets, and each pattern has a maximum of 256 steps. Each step consists of a note, a rest, or a tie, and you type in each step using the SH-101 method.
Change the scale root. All valid scales will be shifted by the amount you change.
Set the OUT B interval. How the settings are reflected depends on whether you select OUT B: CHROM / DIATONIC in CONFIG mode.
Also, if you press and hold the INTRVL button for 1 second,Tuning modeGoes in and outputs 0V from both OUT A / B
Save the set scale. Enter SAVE mode, select the bank with the button corresponding to the black key, select the slot with the white key button, and press the SAVE button again to save. The saved scale remains even if the power is turned off. If you do not save it, it will disappear when you turn off the power.
Recall the set scale. Enter the LOAD mode, select the bank with the button corresponding to the black key, select the slot with the white key button, and press the LOAD button again to call it up.
firmware Update
Follow the steps below to update the firmware.
Power down the module
Connect the USB cable from the back of the module to your computer.
IntellijelPagesOpen the updater downloaded from and select the module and version from the dropdowns.
Hold down the LOAD button and power cycle the module.
At the bottom of the updaterUpdateWhen the button is pressed, the progress bar starts, and when the message “Update completed successfully” is displayed at the end, the update is complete.
Restart the modular and it should work with the new firmware