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Intellijel Designs CVx 1U

¥32,900 (Tax excluded ¥29,909)
An expander that adds eight assignable CV outputs to MIDI 1U.Supports polyphonic MIDI control, drum mode, and multi-channel CC / CV conversion

Format: 1U (Power supply is shared with Eurorack 3U)
Width: 14HP
Depth: 32mm
Current: 55mA @ + 12V, 6mA @ -12V

For the latest Intellijel manuals and firmwareManufacturer support pageSee also

Intellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format from Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Please install it in Intellijel's 4U, 7U case, etc. For Intellijel 1U size specifications .


CVx is an expander module that connects to the company's MIDI 1U module and adds eight CV outputs.These additional outputs areIntellijel Config appIt is fully programmable and allows for significant expansion of your Eurorack system control options. Up to 1 CVx can be chained to one MIDI 1U module.This allows you to add 4 assignable outputs.

CVx 1U Front Panel 

The front panel of the CVx expander has eight assignable output jacks.These jacks can be configured to generate any kind of voltage that can be extracted from MIDI signals using the free Intellijel Config app.

To connect the CVx to MIDI 1U, use the 6-pin I2C connector. Up to four CVx expanders can be chained to one MIDI 1U. A single MIDI 1U module can control up to two monophonic synths (two MIDI channels), but by connecting one or more CVx to MIDI 4U, you can control up to 1 (2) synths. It is possible to increase to MIDI channel).

Connecting a CVx to a MIDI 1U

To connect the CVx to MIDI 1U, you also need to connect it to a power source as shown below.

  1. Power off the system.
  2. Connect to the system power connector with the included 10-pin-16-pin power cable.
  3. Connect to the MIDI 6U 6-pin I1C connector with the included 6-pin-2-pin ribbon cable.
  4. Set both DIP switches on the back of the CVx to the DOWN position.

    This DIP switch setting allows MIDI 1U to identify the CVx as'Expander 1'.This is important when chaining multiple CVxs.

  5. Power on the system.
Connecting Multiple CVx to a MIDI 1U

You can build a powerful MIDI to CV controller for your Eurorack system by connecting up to four CVx expanders to a single MIDI 1U, as shown below.Chain using the two I1C connectors on each CVx and set different addresses on each DIP switch.

  1. Power off the system.
  2. Use the included 10-pin-16-pin power cable to connect the 10-pin power connector on each CVx to your system's power supply.
  3. Use the included 6-pin-6-pin ribbon cable to connect either one of the CVx # 1 I1C connectors to the MIDI 2U 1-pin I6C connector.
  4. Set the CVx DIP switches as shown in the image below and assign individual IDs.

  5. Connect the remaining I1C connector on CVx # 2 and one of the I2C connectors on CVx # 1, and set the DIP switch on CVx # 2 to a different ID than the one used on CVx # 2.
  6. In the example below, both DIP switches on CVx # 1 are in the DOWN position and are identified as'Expander 1', and CVx # 2 is identified as'Expander 1'when switch 2 is in the UP position.

  7. Chain additional CVx modules as needed and set the DIP switches for each CVx to different IDs.
  8. Power on the system.


