Erica Synths Pico Drum2
Format: Eurorack
Width: 3HP
Depth: 35mm
Current: 28mA @ + 12V, 5mA @ -12V
English Manual Page (pdf)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 3HP
Depth: 35mm
Current: 28mA @ + 12V, 5mA @ -12V
English Manual Page (pdf)
Pico DRUM 2 is a percussion synthesizer module with eight drum synthesis algorithms. Of sample balePico DrumPico Drum2, on the other hand, is a drum synthesizer that selects one of eight algorithms and synthesizes a percussion sound using three different parameters for each algorithm.All parameters are voltage controllable.
The basic operating procedure isFASHIONSelect an algorithm by pressing the button,TRIGGERTrigger sound by trigger input toPARAM1, PARAM2, DECAYThe flow is to control the parameters using the three knobs.
PARAM1Usually controls the pitch. The higher the value, the more unexpected the sound will be. This is a deliberate design to stimulate creativity.PARAM2Controls the second parameter of each algorithm.DECAYControls the decay time of the VCA envelope. When the DECAY knob is fully opened clockwise, the VCA stays open and Pico Drum 2 continues to produce sound.OscillatorIt also functions as a sound source like.
CV1Is an assignable CV input. The input CV is added to the knob setting.CV2Is assigned to parameter 1 and the input CV here isPARAM1It will be added to the knob settings. CV2 is almost an algorithm1V / OctReact to track.
FASHIONBy pressing and holding the button, the LED will change to blinking,CV1 assignmentEnter the mode to set the destination. Blinks red by repeatedly pressing the button (PARAM2Assign), green (DECAYAssign), blue (Algorithm selection by CVSelect from (Assign). If you press and hold the button again, the LED will stop flashing and you will return to normal mode.