Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: 22mm
Current: 50mA @ + 12V, 15mA @ -12V
Manual PDF (English)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: 22mm
Current: 50mA @ + 12V, 15mA @ -12V
Manual PDF (English)
MFX is a stereo multi-effects processor for Eurorack.This 6HP compact 16bit / 44.1kHz DSP moduleIt provides 17 types of effect programs and measurement utilities.
Many of the main effect programsClassic hardware effect soundsInspired by, they are implemented in modern DSPs.With each algorithmMany controllable parametersYes, they areEncoder and back buttonYou can edit, save, and control CV with the simple operation method that ALM is good at using.
Distortion and sound reshaping with a dynamics engine, space-time and pitch curvature control with a versatile and rich reverb and delay engine, flexible panners and frequency shifters, and a versatile ensemble using each algorithm and utility. • You can use effects to modulate the signal, the granular and glitch engine to fragment the sound, or use various utilities to measure the signal and tune the oscillator.
The MFX interface is designed to be quick, straightforward and easy to operate.Each program has a wide range of parameters that can be edited directly or freely assigned and controlled for CV and clock control.Also, each programFactory presetIn addition, you can save and loadUser presetsIs available and the settings are retained during power on / off operations.
You can select and activate one of the listable effect programs provided by MFX.Once a program is active, you can view, edit, or assign to CVs various parameters of the program.Each program has some common features, as well as individual parameters depending on the features of the program.In addition, factory / user presets can be saved and loaded for each engine.
The first time you turn it on, you'll see the active effects program after a short launch animation.Other available programs can be viewed and clicked to activate by manipulating a large encoder called Program Knob.When a program becomes active, you will see a screen with the parameters you last edited in that program.The parameters to be displayed can also be switched with the encoder, and the selected parameter can be edited by clicking.You can then turn the encoder to set that value within the available range, or assign it to a CV as described below.Click again to exit and press the Back button to return to program selection.
If the audio signal input to the MFX is monaural, patch it to the L input, and if it is stereo, patch it to the L input and R input.The connected audio signal is processed by the selected effect program and sent to the stereo audio output.A red LED indicates that the audio signal to the input is large and clipping will occur.In this case, adjust by lowering the volume of the input audio.
On the parameter screen, scrolling to the left beyond the minimum parameter will select one of the assignable CV inputs for external control of that parameter.Alternatively, you can instantly jump to the CV input selection by holding down the Back button and turning the encoder with the parameter highlighted. Each CV assignment has a digital attenuation and offset setting to scale the incoming voltage, and to adjust this, press and hold the encoder for at least 1 second with the CV assignment selected (exit). Click the Back button). When a CV is assigned, a small bar graph is displayed showing the CV level after attenuation and offset application.
Some effect programs include parameters that set the internal [INT] or external [EXT] clock.When the external clock is enabled, the MFX follows the clock pulse to the [Clk] input.In addition, some programs utilize the clock input as a gate input to control special functions.
Some parameters are common to all programs and are as follows.
All effect programs feature a mix control to set the dry/wet balance between input source and effect. At 0%, only the input signal flows to the output. As Mix increases, processed signal is introduced, and when it reaches 100%, the output no longer contains Dry signal. When using MFX in the send/return path of a mixer, set this parameter to 100% Wet to achieve the desired result. The Mix parameter can be disabled by setting Wet/Dry Mix to No in the Utilities program and will always be 100% wet.This is useful when using MFX with send/return.
The Preset screen allows you to initialize the parameters of each effect, or save and load them into the available user slots.The collection of factory presets included with each effect demonstrates their versatility and provides usage examples.The last settings used for each effect are not lost when you change the effect program or power cycle.Therefore, you only need to save the presets if you want to return to your favorite settings after adjusting the parameters. You can save your custom preset and recall it later by selecting one of the three User-X presets.
At the bottom left of the screen you will see a pair of two dots showing the I / O configuration of the currently loaded program / parameter settings.A single dot represents the audio signal that is input or the signal that is output.Some effects are completely stereo, but some produce stereo or mono output from mono inputs, and certain effect programs change the input / output configuration depending on the Mode setting. in some cases.There are four types of input / output configurations as shown in the image below.
The MFX's audio processing can be bypassed at any time, the effect can be muted and the Dry signal can be routed directly to the output.To perform a bypass, hold down the Back button and click the encoder.This will display the word [Bypass] in the lower left corner of the screen.Repeat this operation to remove the bypass.
*When updating firmware, all presets may be deleted.before updating here.Please check further.
Remove the MFX from the Eurorack.Locate the USB C port on the side of the board, just below the program knob.Connect the module directly to your computer using a standard USB C cable. The MFX will start up in 'USB Disk Update Mode' and will appear on your computer as a standard removable storage device.
in the root folder of the MFX to be updatedofficial firmware fileCopy theWhen the copy is complete, MFX will automatically disconnect and the screen will display 'Update Complete'.Carefully remove the USB cable from the MFX to avoid damaging the module.You can put it back in your Eurorack and play with the new firmware.
AXON-1(OrAXON-2) is MFX andSquid SalmpleIt is an expander module sold separately that can be used in.By connecting this expander to MFX, you can extend the functionality of MFX by adding four freely assignable CV inputs that function like the three built-in CV inputs. The AXON-3 connects to the 4-pin header on the back of the MFX module using the cable provided.The connection is made before turning on the power of MFX.
CVs can be assigned directly from the AXON-1 button or from the on-screen list with the three built-in CV inputs.Digital attenuation and offset for each assignment can be accessed by long-pressing the encoder with the selected CV highlighted.