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¥49,900 (Tax excluded ¥45,364)
A compact VCO/voice module inspired by 90s/00s digital synthesis that also supports vocoding

Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: 32mm
Current: 70mA @ + 12V, 30mA @ -12V

Manual pdf (English)


The MCO mk II is a highly versatile and compact digital VCO and Voice module inspired by the digital synthesizers of the 90s and 2000s.

The unit offers a diverse collection of high-quality synth voices, with customizable parameters that can be directly controlled or modulated through internal and external assignable sources. Specific parameters per voice are supported by audio-rate modulation including FM, sync and DSP. Each voice supports up to 4-voice chords, externally triggered envelopes, multiple LFOs and dual audio outputs, giving the unit functionality comparable to a desktop synth.

Voices included include a multi-dimensional wavetable oscillator based on the original MCO, a complex additive synthesis engine, a multi-mode "JP" type digital synth, a lush virtual analog implementation, a fully-featured vocoder, a bass synth for kick and subsonic tones, and a revival and porting of the discontinued SID GUTs chip voice.

Each voice contains a factory preset, and user presets can also be saved and recalled, with all state being retained even across power cycles.

Designed for familiar, intuitive and easy operation, the MCO features a high-resolution color display and a rich visual interface.


  •  A collection of unique and diverse sounding synth voices, each with numerous parameters
  • All synth voices support up to 4-voice chords and dual outputs
  • Built-in envelopes and LFOs control modulation and voice behavior.
  • Each synth voice has a factory preset and a user preset
  • Visually rich, colorful, and easy-to-use UI
  • Settings are retained across power cycles
  • 4 freely assignable CV inputs
  • Audio-rate inputs for FM, Sync, etc.
  • Supports Axon expander providing up to 8 assignable CV inputs
  • USB-C connectivity allows for simple drag-and-drop firmware updates, custom wavetable uploads and device backup/restore

DigiWave - Wavetable Oscillator
DigiWave is a wavetable based voice that generates two simultaneous morphing waveforms from factory presets or user uploaded wavetable banks. The waveforms can be combined in multiple ways and pulse width modulation is available on all wave shapes. Custom wavetables can be uploaded via USB.

ToneSum - Additive synthesis
ToneSum is an additive-based voice that combines 12 sine waves to generate physical and organic tones. This unique voice is capable of producing a wide range of sounds, from bright and glassy to woody plucks to eerie, dissonant sweeps.

BC8000 - Variable Mode Digital Synthesis
The BC8000 is a multi-mode synthesizer voice inspired by the special oscillator types of the classic JP8000 synthesizer. Generate a wide variety of textures and sounds from the Supersaw, Triangle Mod, Noise and Feedback oscillator modes.

Virtana - 90s Analog Emulation
Virtana is a 90s style dual oscillator "virtual analog" synthesizer voice suited to generating classic subtractive sounds with bright digital transparency. It excels in thick detuned basses, dual oscillator chords, stirring PWM sounds and bright lead sounds.

Sylon - Vocoder
Sylon is a versatile vocoder and FFT-based reconstruction voice that generates rich, robotic and harmonic sounds from any source connected to the MCO's external input.

Oomph - Bass Tones and Drum Synth
Oomph is a unique kick drum and bass FM synthesizer voice designed to generate powerful modern bass and tonal percussion sounds.

SID Guts - SID chip emulation
The SID GUTS voice is a C64-style SID chip emulation based on the (now discontinued) SID GUTS and SID GUTS DELUXE modules. This classic voice features aliased waveforms, pitched digital noise, digital ring modulation and sync, giving it a unique lo-fi digital charm reminiscent of classic computer game music from the 80s.


Basic operation

When you power up the MCO, after a short start-up animation the active synth voice program will be displayed - other program selections and settings can be browsed by turning the Program knob and activated by clicking the knob.

When a synth voice program is active, the last edited parameter is displayed. Turn the program knob to select the parameter, then click the knob to highlight the parameter you want to edit and set its value or assign an external CV or built-in envelope/LFO modulation.

Click the Back button or encoder again to exit parameter highlighting and return to Voice Program selection by pressing the Back button again.

Parameters such as pitch and envelope settings have groups of related values, and parameters with stacks have a small dot underneath them, allowing you to flip through the stacked pages by clicking the knob while editing the parameter. Clicking through all of a parameter's stacks will stop editing, and you can press the Back button to stop editing any stack at any time.

The current parameter shown on-screen can be reset to its default value at any time by double-clicking on the Program encoder. Note that when resetting stacked parameters, this will reset the entire parameter to its default state, not just the currently selected stacked parameter.


The MCO acts as a free-running oscillator, outputting audio signals from the two Out jacks and whose pitch is controlled by a CV patched to the V/Oct input, but it can also function as a standalone voice with built-in VCA and envelope, its behavior depending on the setting of the Trig In input and whether a physical cable is patched into it (automatically detected when a cable is plugged in).

Three CV inputs can be assigned to almost any parameter, each with independent digital offset and attenuation, and the Trig In can also be used as a fourth assignable CV input if required.

The Ext input is a special input for fast audio rate signals that can be used as an audio input for voice modulation by FM, Sync or ring modulation or for external signal processing. Its functionality is determined by the currently selected voice program and parameter settings.

Assign CV, LFO, Envelope Control

Each parameter can be edited directly or controlled using external CV or internal modulation sources.

To assign a parameter, turn the knob further left than the minimum value to select one of the available modulation sources, and control that parameter with an external CV input, the built-in global LFO, or an envelope. To assign a control, hold down the Back button and turn the program knob while the parameter is highlighted to jump to the modulation assignment as a shortcut, and set the global setting Mod Sel to Button to make assignments only possible from this key combo.

Each assignment can have its own individual digital attenuation and offset, allowing you to adjust the scaling of the input modulation on a per-parameter basis. To adjust this, press and hold the Program Encoder for more than a second with the source you want to assign selected, then press the Back button to exit. When modulation is assigned, a small bar graph will appear showing the CV level after the attenuation and offset have been applied.
The expected input voltage range for external CV is unipolar 0 to +5V. Inputting a CV with a voltage outside this range will not damage the module, but it will be clipped to within range.

Global Voice Parameters and Functions

All Voice Engines have common features and parameters, and some parameters, such as pitch, are global settings and shared between all Voice Engines. These global parameters are indicated by a small globe icon in the top right corner.

Pitch (Global)
The Pitch parameter sets the base frequency of the voice and the voltage patched to the V/Oct input is added to this. This parameter has four settings: Octave, Key (semitone), Cent, and Scale, each of which can be finely adjusted. The frequency range is approximately 4 octaves with a minimum frequency of C8 (0Hz) to B16.35 (7Hz), but depending on the engine it may be outside this range. Scale selects the scale of the built-in quantizer and quantizes the CV input to V/Oct to the selected scale, while Octave, Key (semitone), and Cent determine the root of the scale. Other frequencies generated by detune, FM, and additional chord notes are not quantized. You can also edit the user scale by selecting User Scale and holding the encoder for more than about 3951 second.

Chords (Global)
Each voice program of MCO can generate up to 4 voices of chords, and in addition to the standard 12-tone chord forms, 4 unison detune options are available. Also, the chord inversion setting is stacked on the same page as the Chord parameter and can be controlled using external CV or internal modulation. You can also edit the user chord by selecting the user chord and holding down the encoder for about 1 second or more.

Trig in Parameter (Global)
It acts as a gate or trigger input to trigger the Trigger (AD) or Gate (ADSR) envelopes if they are set. The envelopes can be used as an assignable modulation source for other parameters while directly controlling the internal VCA, allowing the MCO to function as a standalone synth voice rather than a free-running oscillator. Level also allows direct CV input of the internal VCA level with external CV control, and CV can be set as an additional assignable CV input for each parameter, disabling the internal VCA. When these modes are selected, the internal envelope parameters are disabled and hidden. The Trig jack automatically detects the insertion of a patch cable and if no cable is detected a red X appears when selecting the envelope. The envelope and VCA have no effect until a cable is patched, and the MCO will operate as a free-running oscillator unless it is set as Envelope/VCA, even if a cable is patched to the Trig input.
In Level (VCA) mode an offset parameter is added and stacked on top of the global level parameter and acts as a simple internal offset to the CV input to Trig, while in CV mode it disables the MCO's internal VCA and allows it to be completely free-running.

Level (Global)
Determines the output level of the MCO. When Trig in is set to Trigger, Gate, Level, it determines the level after being controlled by the built-in envelope/external CV, and when Level is selected, Offset is added to the stack parameters.

Ext Input
A special additional input for processing external audio inputs such as fast audio rate signals like FM, Hard Sync, Ring Mod, or vocoding. Its functionality depends on the settings within the currently selected voice or voice program.

All voice programs come with a number of factory presets as well as user savable presets. There are a total of 32 user preset storage slots, shared globally between all voice programs. Selecting +Create from the Presets page will save the current engine settings to the next available user preset slot. When saving a user preset, a text entry window will appear allowing you to enter a preset name of up to 7 characters. Once saved, user presets can be loaded, overwritten or deleted from a pop-up menu that appears when you click on the selected user preset.

Settings menu
The Settings menu is accessible from the Voice selection page and allows you to set various preferences for global configuration.

Firmware: Displays the firmware version of MCO
LFO1,2,3: Three built-in LFOs that can be assigned to each parameter. The Rate, Type (Shape), and Mode are stacked parameters. The Rate can be set in the range of 3Hz to 0.1Hz, and 10 types of waveforms can be selected. The Mode can be selected from Free, Retrig, and One-shot, and the LFO Retrig and One-shot are enabled by the signal input to Trig only when Trig In is set to Trig/Gate.

Mod Sel: Sets the operation method when assigning CV, LFO, and envelope to each parameter. Simple allows you to assign by turning the knob to the left from the minimum value of the parameter or by pressing the Back button and turning the knob as a shortcut. Button allows you to assign only by shortcut, preventing accidental assignment during performance.

Theme: Allows you to choose the visual theme for the user interface.

Presets: A simple global preset manager with access to the 32 user preset slots, allowing browsing, loading, editing and deleting user presets for all Voice Programs. Loading a preset from this page will load the selected preset in the background and remain in the Settings menu, useful for quickly auditioning saved user presets or quickly switching between presets when no parameters need to be adjusted during a live performance. Selecting View will load the preset and jump to its Voice Program screen. Presets can also be deleted without having to enter each Voice Program. Empty slots will show Blank instead of the associated Voice Engine and cannot be selected or loaded.

Voice Programs

The details of each voice are as follows:


Jack Assignment
Ext In: Selectable hard sync/FM input
Out A: Main wavetable output
Out B: Pulse sub-oscillator output

Table: Select between factory or user custom wavetables
Wave A: Primary waveshape
Wave B: Secondary wave shape
Invert B: Invert the phase of Wave B
Mix Mode: Wave A/B Mix Algorithm Selection
AB Mix: Mix balance corresponding to Mix Mode
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation, which replaces the end of one cycle of the waveform with silence.
Out B: Selects the pulse sub-oscillator waveform one octave lower that is output from Out B.
Ext Mode: Select whether Ext In operates as hard sync or FM.


Jack Assignment
Ext In:FM input
Out A&B: Stereo output

Ratio: Frequency ratio between each harmonic
Harmonics: Controls the level of added harmonics.
Fauxpass: Controls the level of harmonics with a pseudo-lowpass curve
Notch/Frequency: Changes the distribution of harmonics to a shape similar to a notch filter or bandpass filter, and sweeps the peak range with Freq.
Flip: Sets the level of every other harmonic, and when it exceeds 1%, the phase is inverted and the level is raised
Detune: Changes the frequency ratio of each harmonic to break the integer multiple relationship.
Spread: Pan each harmonic from the fundamental to the left and right to add stereo spread


Jack Assignment
Ext In:Ring Modulation input
Out A&B: Stereo output

Mode: 8000 types of waveforms with 2 parameters inspired by JP4
 Supersaw Detune/Super Mix
 Folder Offset/Tri Mod
 Feedback Harmonic/Feedback
 Noise Cutoff/Feedback
Mod Dep/Rate: LFO modulation amount and speed for BC8000
Filter: Select the filter type from Off, Low, High, Band, and Notch. When not Off, Cutoff and Rez are added to the parameters.


Jack Assignment
Ext In: Vocoder modulator input
Out A&B: Stereo output

Mode: Choice between Classic vocoder filter and Spectral sine wave reconstruction mode
Formant: Formant shift amount up/down
Slope (Classic only): Slope of the filter array level to higher or lower orders.
Notch/Frequency (Classic only) Shapes the filter array like a notch filter and sweeps the peak range with Freq.
Slew: The update rate of the vocoder or spectral reconstruction.
Crush/Crush Mix: Bit crush strength and mix amount
Pre-Gain:Ext input signal gain
Ext.Mix: Mix balance of the external input sound
Noise (Classic only): Amount of noise mixed into the carrier sine wave.
Quality (Classic only): Number of vocoder filter bands
Scope: Spectrum analyzer for the Ext input signal


Jack Assignment
Ext In: Hard sync input
Out A&B: Stereo output

Wave A: Select the waveform of oscillator A (triangle wave, ramp wave, square wave).
Wave B: Select the waveform of oscillator B (triangle wave, ramp wave, square wave).
AB Mix: Mix balance of oscillator A/B
B Detune: Detune amount of oscillator B
Drift: Amount of random pitch fluctuation like an analog oscillator.
Cutoff: Low pass filter cutoff
Rez: Low pass filter resonance
Chorus/Depth,Rate: Chorus effect mix amount and detuning amount and speed


Jack Assignment
Ext In: Selectable hard sync/FM input
Out A&B: Stereo output

Click: Start frequency of the pitch envelope when triggered
Thump: Time it takes for the pitch to fall from the click to the reference frequency
Sub: The frequency that falls from the reference pitch after being triggered until it is retriggered.
Sub Len: The time it takes for the pitch to be processed into the Sub frequency
*The above four parameters are only displayed when Trig In is set to Trig/Gate and the cable is plugged in.
FM Ratio/Depth: Frequency ratio and FM strength of the built-in FM operator.
Dist Type: Select the distortion type.
Drive/Bias: Distortion strength and positive DC offset
Ext Mode: Select whether Ext In operates as hard sync or FM.


Jack Assignment
Ext In:V/OctCV/Audio input for Mod Source
Out A&B: Stereo output

Shape: Select the oscillator waveform
PWM (only when Shape Squware is selected): Pulse width of a square wave
Mod Type: OFF, Ring Mod, Sync internal modulation selection
Mod Src/Tune (only when Ring Mod/Sync is selected): Selects the internal/external modulation source and the modulator frequency when internal
Filter: Select filter type: Low, High, Band, Notch
Cutoff: Filter cutoff
Rez: Filter resonance

Firmware update

When the MCO is powered off and connected to a computer with a USB cable from the Type-C port on the right side of the PCB, the MCO will appear as a standard removable storage device. Copying a valid firmware file to the root directory will update it automatically. Once the update is complete, the module will automatically eject and can be used with a normal Eurorack power supply (you can ignore any unmounting errors from your computer).

Factory reset

Hold down the Program knob while powering up, and Factory Reset will appear on the screen. Keep holding the knob until the bar fills up. This will reset all data stored in the MCO to the factory settings, but will not clear any custom wavetables.


Both the AXON-1 and AXON-2 expanders support MCO and are accessed through a small horizontal 6-pin connector marked AXON on the back of the module, adding four additional CV inputs. Only one AXON can be connected at a time. The additional A and B buttons on the AXON-4 are mapped to the Jump to Voice Select and Reset parameters, respectively.

Uploading Custom Wavetables

The MCO allows you to upload custom user wavetables to the module and use them with DigiWave voices. When the MCO is unpowered and connected to a computer with a USB cable from the Type-C port on the right side of the PCB, it appears as a standard removable storage device, so copy the WaveEdit format Wavetable file to a directory on your computer and unmount the module. Wavetables are 44.1khz 16-bit wav files with 1 samples per waveform, for a total of 256 waveforms.

Upload/download user presets and settings

As with firmware updates, you can backup/restore all user presets and settings stored in the MCO by connecting it to a computer via USB and copying the 'PRESETS.BAK' file in the directory to your computer.
