* The current latest firmware is v5. For modules before March 2017, please perform the following update work. The following explanation is for v3. Many v4 additional features such as 1V / Oct signal output, fine tuning, note inhibition, 2-pass filter, transpose, etc. are supported.
Japanese manualPlease refer to.
Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR) produces fantastic sound from white noise,
Dynamic filter bankAn innovative resonant filter that can process input audio as.
Active for SMR
6 bandpass filtersIs present and each digital bandpass filter processes the input signal and outputs it. Both the input and output are for odd numbers (odds) and even numbers (evens) and can be used separately. These band frequencies are diverse
ス ケ ー ルCan be configured to
LED ringIndicates which scale of the scale the frequency of each channel corresponds to. The scale is not limited to Western scale,
Indian scale, differential scaleEtc. can also be selected. By modulating with various controls, you can perform many harmonic operations.
As an example of use other than the normal filter bank, when the resonance is maximum, input a trigger to produce a sound like a marimba,
Track remix, harmonization, spectral data process and vocoder, quantize input audio to scale, etc.A wide variety.
The frequency band of each channel
ス ケ ー ルSince it is a scale inside, when 6 are combined
CodesI can.
RotateWhen you turn the knob, the selected pitch will move in the scale, and once you make a round, it will return to the lowest pitch again.
spreadAdjusting will open the interval between the pitches of the filters. Trigger or CV can be used for rotation, and CV can be used for sequence or scale selection so that an external module can be flexibly controlled.
MorphCan crossfade transitions to adjacent frequencies, so it is also possible to drive the SMR as a fluid transitional resonant filter by mixing a rhythmic clock with Slew.
Resonance / QYou can make a sound like a gong or marimba by sending the trigger to SMR with the maximum. The frequency bands of each channel are quantized to scale, making it very easy to synthesize complex and emotional musical sounds. Conversely, lowering the resonance / Q allows you to extract only a specific frequency band and sweep it over the spectrum. Also, the frequency and resonance of each channel
Lock buttonIt can also be fixed by.
Two jacks for frequency adjustment are attached to each even / odd channel,
V / OctIt is also controllable by, which is useful for building melodies that move on chords and for creating complex percussion sounds. Other main features are as follows.
- Six filter channels that can be assigned from the 20 active filters shown on the LED ring
- Adjustable resonance / Q with variable range covering from classic bandpass to intense oscillation
- By using the odd and even channel inputs and outputsstereoSupports sound
- For each channelSpectrum Out (Env Out)Allows for vocoding or spectrum transfer
- Select from 3 envelope modes (fast, slow, trigger)Envelope follower for each channelAllows sync to beat
- The level of each channel can be controlled with the slider and CV
slewBy adjusting, it is possible to eliminate clicks when level control is performed with discontinuous signals such as clocks and triggers.
- 20 full-color LED rings show the scale within the filter scale
- Filter frequency moves on the scale by controlling Rotation and Spread
Freq NudgeYou can make fine adjustments in frequency units by controlling the. Voltage control at 1V / Oct is also possible.
- 11 kinds of scales in each bank, 20 kinds of frequency and pitch presets
Western scale, Indian scale, differential tone, etc.Preset scale bank
White noiseIs internally connected to the input, so the SMR can be used without an external signal
- With CV and trigger input for almost all parameters
- 96kHz / 24bit audio
Programmable scale yourself. Set the frequency of each of the 20 scales using octaves, semitones, and Coarse / Fine tune. Up to 11 scales can be saved in the user bank.
- You can adjust the LED color settings. You can also select a setting as the skin or adjust the R / G / B with the slider to build your own color settings. You can also save this color setting.
- You can save your settings in one of six banks. You can save and recall the active scale, scale / bank selection, Q value, lock status, and color settings. At startup, the contents of the last saved bank will be loaded.
- To get a more snappy decay when pinging with a triggerDifferent filter typeCan be selected. In this case the Freq input will not work at 1V / Oct.
- The slider LED can be used to display the level of each channel or the clipping status.
The SMR allows the user to update the firmware by inputting the playback sound of the specified audio file to odd IN. 4ms firmware
It can be downloaded from. The latest version in February 2017 is v2. Press the Rotate button 5 times and check the CH10 ENV OUT LED color. Pink is v1, blue is v5.
If you turn on the power of the module while pressing the ROTATE encoder, it will enter the firmware update mode, so release your finger from the encoder. Input the cable to play the audio file of the firmware into odd IN and play the file. Please play at 100% volume on a PC. When playing from Ableton, turn off the WARP function of the clip. When the update is successful, the SMR slider LEDs will move sequentially. If that doesn't work, try lowering or raising the volume during playback. The update is complete when the file is played to the end.